One of the greatest gifts we received when we were travelling was CLARITY.  When you strip things away you see, you feel and you hear things with a clarity that is difficult to achieve in the busyness we are so often consumed by.

In moments of true presence, of stilling my busy mind I noticed life.  It’s beautiful and it fills me to the brim.  There is so much around us in every moment and it’s easy to forget that we choose what we will pay attention to.  We choose what we allow to influence our decisions and what we allow to guide us through life.  While life in general may feel hectic there is more to it than we realise; there is love, beauty and abundance!

In those moments when we allow everything to fall away we can access the still small voice of our soul.  We need only to pause for a minute to hear it!

Listening to your own heart is worth it!!!

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